Pineapple farm
Pineapple farm Nepal
Pineapple is a humid tropical plant grows in almost any type of soil. We started pineapple farming in Nepal 2 years ago. Now many farmers are growing pineapple at farm as an important fruit crops to generate income. Suitable climate and possibilities of commercial pineapple farming Nepal are many. Most of the plain areas and hilly region below 1500 meters above sea level is the best to grow the organic pineapple fruit without any disease problems. New pineapple plant is grown from slips, crowns or suckers, not seeds; each parent plant produces only one fruit. Organic pineapples are field with lots of important properties that are essential to keep body healthy. Pineapples content vitamins, enzymes and minerals including calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, thiamin (vitamin B1), vitamin B6, and dietary fiber.
Local variety of pineapple planted in farm with the other crops under the bit shade of fruits like guava, orange, pear with mixed crop and crop-rotation systems. Heavy rainfall with warm climate are best for pineapple growth low temperature, bright sunshine and total shade are harmful. Basically pineapple flower from the months of February to April and fruits ready to harvest from July to December. Pineapple farming is not necessary much water. It takes 16 months to mature first fruit then after second another 12 to 14 months for second fruit. Fruits are ready to pick when it starts to turn yellow. After removing the fruits mother plants produces a sucker from which another fruiting stem arises.
Pineapple is the most popular sweet, juicy, and delicious fruit in the world. Health benefits of pineapple fruits like maintain strong bones, helps to digest food, boost immune system. Pineapple fruit help to keep joint pain away, vitamin C protect viruses that cause cough and colds. It prevent from Heart Dieses, helps in curing stomach problems like diarrhea. Consuming pineapple helps to prevent blood clots and bleeding disorders. Pineapples are good for your oral health, Weight Loss, Skin Care and proper kidney functioning as well. Organic farm Nepal provide information about all process of Pineapple farming including plantation to harvesting at Pineapple farm, if you interested for training, internship, volunteering or would like to buy Pineapple fruit fell free to contact us.