Fruit farm

Farming Nepal > Fruit farm

Fruit farm Nepal

Fruit farming in Nepal started since immemorial times for their own use only but popularity of commercial fruit farming in Nepal increasing rapidly. Fruit farming is the ideal business to improve the economic condition and life standard of rural communities of Nepal. we grows verity of organic fruits utilizing Natural fruit farming techniques. Let’s visit farms where organic fruits are grown and to know the organic fruit health benefits. Fruit farm produce different organic fruit like strawberry, pear, orange, peach, avocado, guava, grape, pineapple, lemon, apple, gooseberry, tamarind, walnut, bayberry, wood apple, persimmon, plum etc, hygienic fruits are better for health.
Future of the fruit farming business is bright in Nepal in this way we produce verities of fruits in farms. Organic fruit farming Nepal is to support local villagers and generates jobs opportunity in communities. There are many possibilities to grow organic fruits in mountain region of Nepal. We provide organic farming training, practical knowledge in nursery farms for all interested about fruit farming.
Sustainable fruit farming in Nepal were built to preserve green heritage and improve the economic condition of local people.  We have planted verities of local fruits as well as exported fruits from around the world. Natural farming and organic production is our aim we never use chemical fertilizer and pesticides. if you interested to gain the knowledge about organic fruit farming, benefits of fruit farms and techniques to produce fruits or would like to buy organic fruits fell free to contact us.

Kiwi fruit farm

Kiwi fruit farm Nepal Kiwi fruit farming is a new farming concept in Nepal there are some commercial fruit farms recently started in Nepal. Only few farmers know about kiwi ...

Bayberry farm

Bayberry farm Nepal fruit Health benefits and Nutrition Facts Till to date nobody started Bayberry farming in Nepal commercially. When we know its medical value and health benefits then we ...

Wood apple farm

Wood apple farm Nepal – Bael fruit Health Benefits Nutrition facts Wood apple farming in Nepal started since immemorial time according to Hindu mythology it is a holy nuts fruit  ...

Persimmon farm

Persimmon farm fruit nutrition facts and health benefits Persimmon farming in Nepal started in immemorial time. Persimmons can grow from seeds, cuttings, suckers or grafts. Persimmons are an edible fruit ...

Plum farm

Plum farm Nepal Plum farming started in Nepal since immemorial times, people used to cultivate plum fruit for their own use only. Now the popularity of commercial plum farming is ...

Apple farm

Apple farm in Nepal Apple farming in Nepal started in kali Gandaki valley before the 1960 but first commercial Apple farming in Nepal started at Marpha, Mustang when Horticultural Farm ...

Lemon farm

Lemon farm Nepal Sustainable Lemon farming in Nepal started long ago without any technical knowledge for own use. Now farmers are being aware going to starts commercial lemon farm and ...

Pineapple farm

Pineapple farm Nepal Pineapple is a humid tropical plant grows in almost any type of soil. We started pineapple farming in Nepal 2 years ago. Now many farmers are growing ...

Grape farm

Grape farm Nepal – Grapes nutrition facts and health benefits Grape farming in Nepal is not very popular but there are lots of possibilities of grape production in Nepal. Grape ...

Guava farm

Guava farm Nepal – Organic Guava Fruit Guava farming in Nepal started ancient times growing their own use only it Guava is one of the most common fruits successfully grown ...

Avocado farm

Avocado farm in Nepal Avocado farming in Nepal is a new fruit farming concept only few farmers know about avocados. Till to date there are not any commercial Avocado farm ...

Peach farm

Peach farm Nepal Peach farming in Nepal has been doing since immemorial times by the local farmers only for their own use. Peach trees require plenty of water and sunshine, ...

Orange farm

Orange farm Nepal Orange farming in Nepal started since ancient times for their own use but now farmers are being aware and start to orchards of orange as an instant ...

Pear farm

Pear farm Nepal Pear farming in Nepal started since ancient times, popularity of commercial pear farming increasing rapidly between Nepali farmers. Now farmers are being aware and growing pear in ...

Strawberry farm

Strawberry farm Nepal Strawberry farming in Nepal is a new farming concept, only few farmers are involved to grow the strawberry. First commercial strawberry farming in Nepal started in Kakani, ...