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Agriculture in Nepal

Cow farm in Nepal

Cow farming in Nepal is an ancient farming system still practiced traditionally all over Nepal; commercial cow farming in Nepal is recently introduce and becoming popular between farmers. Cow farming is a source for generating income of Nepali, peoples use to sell the milk on market maximize benefits and survive their lives.Volunteer in dairy farm Nepal - Cow farm Nepal Nepal is an agricultural country there are lot of possibility in cow or dairy farming. Demands of grass feed dairy products are increasing rapidly in the world, if we export dairy product then earn billions of rupees each year, but there are only few commercials dairy farm started in Nepal.
Organic farm Nepal established commercial cow farming in Nepal using the modern technology and produce organic dairy products like milk, cheese and butter. There is Holstein and jersey cow’s import from abroad and local cows on cow farm main purpose of cow farming is to produce milk. It is strictly prohibited to cut and use the cow and cattle for meat (beef) in Nepal. Before starting commercial cow farming in Nepal people used to do cow farming for ritual and cultural purpose. Between Hindu community cows is a symbol of wealth pray as a Laxmi (goddess of wealth) and every day cow dung used to purify house hold and urine to purify from birth, death and other special occasion, in this way each Nepali family have to have at least a cow farming in traditional way at hut.
Organic farm Nepal produce grass feed dairy products and being supplied in national and international market. Our cow farm located in mountain region there is plenty of grazing pasture, grass trees that feed for cows and cattle. Before start a cow farming it is necessary to know about cow food, care, health, diseases, nutrition, pasture, breeds and farm management etc. Cow farm Nepal offers cow farming training on these topics as well as practical knowledge for interested farmers. If you interested for training, internship, volunteering, farm tours or would like to buy cows farm and cattle fell free to contact us.



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