Almond farm

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Almond farm Nepal – farming information, nutritional fact and benefits

Almond farming in Nepal is very new farming business only few farmers heard about it. But there is huge potential to grow almond all over Nepal mainly in the mountain areas. We recently planted some plats at almond farm. Almond is one of the best nutritious foods which are cultivated in the Middle East and South Africa. Nepal is famous for cultivating various types of nuts like Pecan, Almond farm, Macadamia, Walnut, Hazelnut and much more. Nepal has always promoted organic farming. An almond tree can produce almonds from the fourth year of the plantation and it generally survives for 12 years. From 20 trees, a farmer can get about 80 to 150 kg of nuts, depending upon the climate. The production of almond generally grows and falls in consecutive years.
What are the health benefits of having almonds?
Rich in nutrients: it has fiber, protein, fat, vitamin E, Manganese, magnesium, copper, Vitamin B2 and riboflavin. So, regular intake of almond can boost up your system.
Full with anti-oxidants: People are now very much aware of the anti-oxidant rich foods; Almond is one of them. Anti-oxidants reduce the ageing process of your body. It also prevents diseases like cancer.
Control bold sugar level: it has a high concentration of healthy fats, protein and fiber. Many doctor have recommended it for diabetes patient. It also has magnesium content; this will lower the blood sugar level.
Lower blood pressure: magnesium deficiency is directly related to blood pressure. Almonds can be taken on regular intervals to boost up the magnesium level.
Lower cholesterol level: bad cholesterol or LDL can increase the amount of cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. Many studies have provided that regular intake of almonds can considerably lower the amount of cholesterol in your body.
Lowers body fat: it sounds strange, that how can be nut assist you in weight loss. Almonds are rich in protein and fiber. You will feel your stomach full after having a couple of almonds. So, it will reduce hunger and thus reduce the overall calories intake of your body.
You will agree on the fact they also molds is one of the healthiest food on the earth. Taking two to four almonds every morning in the empty stomach can make you active all throughout the day. You can also add almonds in many home made recipes. Organic farm Nepal provides information about all process of almond farming including plantation to harvesting at almond farm. If you interested for training, internship or would like to buy organic almond fell free to contact us.