Livestock farms

Farming Nepal > Livestock farms

Meat production Livestock farm Nepal

Free raise livestock farming in Nepal to produces the grass feed Natural livestock in Nepal, hygienic livestock are better for health. An organic livestock farm provides economic, natural sustainability and generates farming jobs in rural areas of Nepal. Our sustainable livestock farming practice produce with respect for man, animal and environment. Animals and birds of livestock farms will be used to make plants grow better. Livestock farms practice sustainable meat production livestock farming in Nepal.
Natural livestock farm provides the training and information about livestock farming in Nepal for all interested peoples. Livestock farm is for meat, dairy and eggs as well as wool and leather. Organic livestock farm, goat, sheep, rabbit, cows, buffalo, ostrich, emu, chicken, fish, guinea fowl, duck, turkey, pig eat organically grown feed and are not treated with antibiotics.
We grow green grass and feed them year round; rarely we used dry grass, hay, grains for all animals and birds. We use organic manure and no artificial fertilizers or pesticides on land and outdoor runs space to grow under natural and open environment in mountain regions of Nepal. If you interested to know about what is organic livestock farming, benefits of livestock farms and techniques of Natural livestock as well as would like to buy organic livestock fell free contact us.

Fish farm

Types & scope of fish farm in Nepal Fish farming in Nepal is considered as one of the ancient farming system, there are lots of small scale fish farm in ...

Rabbit farm

Rabbit farm in Nepal Rabbit farming in Nepal started to produce the wool and meat. Commercial rabbit farming in Nepal is to produce high quality soft, silky and warm wool ...

Emu farm

Emu farm in Nepal Emu farming in Nepal is recently introducing between some farmers it is a fast growing profitable business gives greater return. Commercial emu farming in Nepal is ...

Ostrich farm

Ostrich farm Nepal Ostrich farming in Nepal is not very popular only one commercial ostrich farm established in Nepal. We are going to start commercial ostrich farming in Nepal using ...

Pig farm

Pig farm Nepal Pig farming in Nepal is not new in Nepal it has been accepted socially and culturally by certain ethnic groups. pig farming trend is changing gradually due ...

Sheep farm

Sheep farm Nepal Sheep farming in Nepal has been practiced since the beginning of agriculture itself, especially in mountain region. Recently we started commercial sheep farming in Nepal to produce ...

Goat farm

Goat farm in Nepal Goat farming in Nepal started years ago but commercial goat farming in Nepal recently going to be practice by some farmers. Goat farming has been practiced ...