Mushroom farm

Mushroom cultivation at Mushroom farm Nepal

Mushroom farming in Nepal going popular between Nepali farmers its new farming concept on the contest of Nepal. Now there are many commercial mushroom farm Nepal that produce different verity of mushrooms. Few years ago wild mushroom has been collected and accepted (eating) socially and culturally by certain ethnic groups nobody farming it but now days due to urbanization and awareness, when people knows the health benefit of mushrooms they started using widely. Mushrooms are edible fungus we are growing mushrooms indoors and supply in the markets.Most of the parts of Nepal are the mushroom cultivation area of Nepal. Farmers can cultivate mushroom year round in natural environment different variety like Shitake, oyster, red mushroom in Nepal.
Mushrooms are neither a plant nor an animal it is rich in disease-fighting phytochemicals it boost immunity provides protection against colds, flu and other viruses, there are many health benefits of mushroom like prevention of cancer, diabetes and tumors, It keep immune system healthy and strong and boost heart health. Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free and very low in sodium, yet they provide important nutrients, including selenium, antioxidant mineral, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, copper, potassium, protein, iron and phosphorous.
Organic farm Nepal produce high quality organic mushrooms grown under controlled conditions using the trusted source seeds (called spawns) year round. Before starting mushroom farming it is necessary to know the technical knowledge about how to grow mushrooms and farm management system. We offer mushroom farming training as well as working opportunity on mushroom farm for interested farmers. If you interested for training, internship or would like to buy verity of fresh mushroom fell free to contact us.