Pomegranate farm

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Pomegranate farm Nepal – Guide to start pomegranate farming

Commercial pomegranate farming in Nepal popularity is recently increasing between farmers. When people know about the health benefits then started pomegranate farming Nepal. Punica granatum is the common name of Pomegranate. It is a kind of fruit which grows on bushy trees at pomegranate farm. The color is somewhat just like apple but has a flower shaped stem. The skin is thick, and each fruit contains hundreds of edible seeds or arils. The trees are around 5 to 8 m tall. In Nepal, the fruit is cultivated from June to August and produce some organic pomegranate.
Health benefits of pomegranate
This fruit has a huge number of health benefits and a number of nutritional values. Here are some of them.
High nutrition level: it has a high amount of fiber, protein, vitamin c, vitamin k, folate and potassium.
Prevent cardiovascular disease: it is enriched with Polyphemus and has powerful antioxidants. It prevents damage to the heart and the vascular system.
Lower blood pressure: cardio problem is directly related to blood pressure levels. Punicic acid is one of the main constituents of this fruit. This compound helps to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.
Anti-malignant properties: it is said that pomegranate can help to prevent lung, prostate, skin and breast cancer. The pomegranate juice can restrict the growth of malignant cells because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Boosts up your digestive system: fiber rich foods are always good for digestive system. Having a pomegranate everyday can help to kick start your digestive system.
Immunity booster: Anti-inflammatory property of this fruit is very god for people who are very prone to viral or bacterial attacks. Vitamin c is a natural booster of antibody production.
Prevent the ageing process: the anti-oxidants helps in reducing the normal ageing process of the body. You can manage wrinkles, lines by having the juice of pomegranate. Your skin will be glowing and your will definitely look younger.
Other than the mentioned benefits it is also said pomegranate helps to reduce stress levels. Pomegranates are used for the preparation of a number of products like juice mixes, smoothies, ice cream, and even wine. You can also use this juice to make desserts. Organic farm Nepal provides information about all process of pomegranate farming including plantation to harvesting at pomegranate farm. If you interested for training, internship, volunteer or would like to buy organic pomegranate fell free to contact us.